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Archived Amendments 2019-2023

November 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Ordinary Residence A legal review of this chapter has been carried out. This resulted in minor text amendments throughout to add clarity where required.
Continuity of Care when a Person Moves A legal review of this chapter has been carried out. This resulted in text amendments to Section 1, Continuity of Care Arrangements to clarify that when the type of accommodation being provided is that specified in the Deeming Provisions (Section 39 of the Care Act), Continuity of Care Arrangements do not apply.
Cross Border Placement A legal review of this chapter has been carried out. This resulted in minor text amendments to clarify that Cross Border Placement arrangements are set out in Schedule 1 of the Care Act 2014.
The Response to a Concern about Abuse or Neglect Text amendments have been made to provide greater clarity on the different types of enquiry (statutory and non-statutory/discretionary), the duties around Safeguarding Plans and information about risk outcomes.


September 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Links to Legislation, Regulations and Statutory Guidance A link to 'Proportional assessment approaches: a guide from the Chief Social Worker for Adults and principal social workers' has been added to the 'Links to Legislation, Regulations and Statutory Guidance' section. This is a supplementary guide to the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance.
Power of the Local Authority to Charge Section 3, How much can a Person be charged? has been updated to include a reference to the Norfolk case.


August 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Ordinary Residence The Ordinary Residence chapter has been updated to reflect the Supreme Court judgement R (Worcestershire County Council) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2023] UKSC 31.


July 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Carrying Out an Assessment Section 2, Who Should Carry Out the Assessment? has been updated to include the requirement for Oliver McGowan Training for all CQC registered providers.
Various All references to 'Telecare' have been changed to 'Technology Enabled Care (TEC)'.


June 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect 'Domestic Violence' has been changed to 'Domestic Abuse' in Section 1, Categories of Abuse and Neglect and the definition has also been updated in line with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
When Safeguarding Duties Apply A new Section 3, Safeguarding Carers has been added.


May 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Ordinary Residence This chapter has been fully reviewed to provide added clarity about the stage at which ordinary residence should be established and to include information about the Worcestershire case relating to ordinary residence and section 117.


April 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Legal Requirements of a Child's Needs Assessment This chapter has been fully reviewed and refreshed.
Legal Requirements of a Young Carer's Assessment This chapter has been fully reviewed and refreshed.
Preventing Needs for Care and Support Following customer feedback, a small text amendment has been made to increase the scope of the secondary prevention examples used. See Section 4, Different Types of Prevention Services for People with Care and Support Needs.


March 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Providing Information and Advice In line with revised timescales, the date relating to the Cap on Care costs has been changed from 2020 to 2025.
Deprivation of Assets and Enforcement of Debts This chapter has been fully reviewed and refreshed.


January 2023

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
The Response to a Concern about Abuse or Neglect After feedback from customers, the following text has been removed from Section 2, The Duty to make (or cause to be made) an Enquiry to ensure clarity that enquiries are not always formal S42 enquiries:

"The duty to make (or cause to be made) a formal safeguarding Enquiry is section 42 of the Care Act. Whenever a document or person refers to section 42 of the Care Act they are referring to the duty to make (or cause to be made) a formal safeguarding Enquiry, even if they do not specifically use that phrase."
Safeguarding Adult Boards Regarding producing a report following a SAR, the word 'formal' has been removed to reflect current best practice around the different ways that reports can be produced.

October 2022

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Various All occurrences of Clinical Commissioning Groups/CCGs have been replaced with Integrated Care Boards/ICBs. This change was made to reflect changes introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022. This change affected multiple chapters.


September 2022

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Carrying out the Review This chapter has been revised to better clarify the statutory requirements around the frequency in which Care and Support/Support Plans should be reviewed.
Deprivation of Assets and Enforcement of Debts A link to Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman guidance for practitioners on the deprivation of capital (published in August 2022) has been added.


July 2022

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Cap on Care Costs This chapter has been updated to include the revised operational guidance, which was published on the 7th July 2022 following a period of consultation.


June 2022

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
The Duty to Review Section 2, The Purpose of Review has been revised for added clarity around the purpose of a review, particularly the limitations around revising a personal budget.


January 2022

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Cap on Care Costs This chapter has been updated to reflect new proposals announced in the Policy paper: Build Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care.

July 2021

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
When General Responsibilities Apply

Legal Requirements of a Needs Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Carers Assessment

The Duty to Provide an Independent Advocate

Carrying Out an Assessment

The National Eligibility Criteria

Duties and Powers to meet Care and Support Needs

Duties and Powers to meet Carer's Support Needs

The Personal Budget

The Care and Support Plan

The Support Plan

The Duty to Review

Carrying out the Review

Revisions to a Care and Support or Support Plan

Power of the Local Authority to Charge

Assessment of Financial Resources

Understanding what Transition is

Legal Requirements of a Child's Needs Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Young Carer's Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Child's Carer's Assessment

Carrying out a Transition Assessment<

Transition Planning and Review

Continuity of Care when a Person Moves

Protecting Property of Adults being Cared for Away from Home
The scope boxes added to a range of chapters in April 2020 have all been removed. This change has been made because all of the associated easements under the Coronavirus Act 2020 have been removed by the Coronavirus Act 2020 (Early Expiry) Regulations, which came into force on the 16th July 2021.

April 2020

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
When General Responsibilities Apply

Legal Requirements of a Needs Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Carers Assessment

The Duty to Provide an Independent Advocate

Carrying Out an Assessment

The National Eligibility Criteria

Duties and Powers to meet Care and Support Needs

Duties and Powers to meet Carer's Support Needs

The Personal Budget

The Care and Support Plan

The Support Plan

The Duty to Review

Carrying out the Review

Revisions to a Care and Support or Support Plan

Power of the Local Authority to Charge

Assessment of Financial Resources

Understanding what Transition is

Legal Requirements of a Child's Needs Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Young Carer's Assessment

Legal Requirements of a Child's Carer's Assessment

Carrying out a Transition Assessment

Transition Planning and Review

Continuity of Care when a Person Moves

Protecting Property of Adults being Cared for Away from Home
Scope boxes have been added to a range of chapters indicating how the easements under the Coronavirus Act 2020 impact on the Care Act. This is a temporary change and the resource will revert back when the current crisis is over.

August 2019

Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Direct Payments Section 4, Needs that may not be met by a Direct Payment has been updated to add clarity to the 4 consective week rule.

Last Updated: February 12, 2024
